For Applicants
If your looking for a great nanny, childcare or domestic staffing position in New York, Los Angeles or the surrounding areas then you have come to the right place.
Finding a great position begins by finding the best nanny agency in the desired city. Not Just Baby has the happiest nannies and families because we take the time to make the right match.
We serve the most discerning clientele, which prefer professional nannies with experience, education and quality references. This in turn requires the best and the brightest.
Some of the best qualities found in great nannies are:
They Love Children- Good nannies jump right into their work leaving nothing behind. They shower appropriate love, affection and nurturing little minds.. Great nannies build self-esteem, teach moral, manners and lead by example..
Organized- Great nannies stay up-to-date with family/school schedules, events and general house hold cleanliness. Specifically, cleaning up after a meal, picking up loose toys or cleaning up after an art activity. Making certain to get children to and through activities safely and securely.
Great nannies are communicative, reliable, trustworthy, flexible, and take initiative. Communication is key to any relationship. Not discussing issues as they come up is not the sign of a great nanny. Arriving on time consistently builds trust and helps cement respect for families and nannies time. There is no more precious a gift than a child. For parents leaving a child is a terrible strain. Great nannies understand this and work diligently to establish trust. Finally, great nannies are flexible and take initiative creating fun games when in climate weather precludes ventures outside.
Great nannies deserve great respect- Being a nanny is not for the faint of heart. It requires stamina, patients and the ability to remain calm and collected at all times.
At Not Just Baby Sitters we recognize and reward top, talented professional nannies. If your looking for the best families please send us an email with your contact information and we will be in touch.
Minimum Requirements
- College Educated
- 5 years of child care experience and or college degree in related field
- Amazing references
- Clean background, all positions require live scan fingerprinting